Archaeological excavations
Archaeological excavation at the site of Empúries (l'Escala)
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological excavation in the Plan d'Almatà (Balaguer)
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological excavation at the Llafranc site
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological excavation at Montsoriu Castle (Arbúcies)
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological control at the Canonical of Santa Maria de Vilabertran
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological control at the Canonical of Santa Maria de Vilabertran
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological control at the Canonical of Santa Maria de Vilabertran
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological control at the Canonical of Santa Maria de Vilabertran
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological control at the Canonical of Santa Maria de Vilabertran
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological control at the Canonical of Santa Maria de Vilabertran

Archaeological excavations: Working to discover the past, make it known in the present and preserve it for the future

Archaeological excavations

Archaeological excavations
Archaeological excavation at the Tossal de Baltarga site (Bellver de Cerdanya)
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological excavation at the site of La Barraca d'en Vellanero (Port de la Selva)
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological excavation of the site of Sant Julià de Ramis
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological excavation of the site of Sant Julià de Ramis
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological excavation of Montagut Castle (Llagostera)
Archaeological excavations
Archaeological excavation of the site of Collet (Sant Antoni de Calonge)

Archeology is the science that studies the past of the different human civilizations that have existed throughout history based on the analysis and study of those material remains that have survived to this day.

Archeology is a multidisciplinary science in which disciplines and professionals from different fields work together to achieve the same goal: Discover, investigate and disseminate the past to make it known in the present.

History, architecture, anthropology, restoration, conservation, topography, biology, botany, paleolandscape, dendrology (study of flora), carpology (study of seeds) and many others are some of the different sciences that allow archeology to work to know our past.

Applications of archaeology:

Within the archaeological discipline there are different types of scenarios according to the characteristics and objectives of the same:

1. Scheduled archaeological excavations:

They are those excavations carried out in the same site during a defined period of time and which are framed within a research project organized by a public institution (university, city council, council, museum,…) and often brought to term by a private company.

2. Preventive archaeological excavations / archaeological controls:

These are those excavations that are carried out prior to the start of any type of work / earthmoving in an area identified as potentially positive for archaeological remains. Faced with this situation, the presence of a team of archaeologists is necessary in order to determine the presence or not of archaeological remains and, in the event that they are, to carry out the corresponding excavation and documentation of the remains found in order to subsequently write the archaeological report final Once the excavation has been completed and the site has been documented, you can proceed with the work / earthmoving.

3. Urgent archaeological excavations:

These are those excavations that are carried out once the work / earthmoving has already started and where the team of archaeologists has to work in the context of the work or, if it is not possible, to stop it for in order to be able to properly excavate and document the archaeological remains discovered. As in preventive archaeological excavations, once the excavation and documentation of the site has been completed, a final archaeological report must be drawn up and submitted to the public administration within a maximum period of two years.

Whatever type of archaeological intervention is carried out, there are aspects that will always be present: The excavation and proper documentation of the site (through the creation of plans, photographs and the description of the different strata discovered), the treatment of the material remains found (cleaning, labeling and cataloging) and the final drafting of the archaeological report in which the entire work process will be explained and the final conclusions / interpretations taking into account the information extracted.

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