Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of the city of Elephantine
Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of the city of Elephantine
Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of the city of Elephantine
Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of the city of Elephantine
Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of the city of Elephantine
Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of a Viking shield
Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of a Viking shield
Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of a Roman roof
Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of Roman columns

Virtual historical reconstructions: Knowing the past through the technology of the present

Virtual historical reconstructions

Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of the Constantinian Basilica of the Vatican (Rome)
Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of the Constantinian Basilica of the Vatican (Rome)
Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of the Constantinian Basilica of the Vatican (Rome)
Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of the Constantinian Basilica of the Vatican (Rome)
Virtual historical reconstructions
Virtual historical reconstruction of the Constantinian Basilica of the Vatican (Rome)

Virtual historical reconstructions are the best means of transport to help any non-specialist or cultural heritage professional to understand what an archaeological site, a heritage building, an art object, a landscape,… was like at a specific time / period of the past

It is for this reason that more and more companies and especially cultural institutions use this technology to provide their users (local population, tourists, Internet users,…) a simpler way to understand and understand what it was like a specific heritage item in the past.

Therefore, the power that virtual historical reconstructions have as intermediaries between real heritage and today’s society is proportionally equal to their responsibility and professional know-how when creating these digital images.

Applications of virtual historical reconstructions:

Behind every virtual historical reconstruction project there must be a great deal of documentation, research and prior communication with all kinds of experts and related professionals (archaeologists, historians, restorers, architects,…) so that the result final be as reliable, truthful and responsible as possible with respect to reality. We will never know 100% what a heritage asset was like centuries ago, but it is the job of the professionals who work on it to get as close as possible. Currently the main applications of virtual historical reconstructions are the following:

1. Research and research:

The use of virtual historical reconstructions of heritage assets is one of the most effective ways for archaeologists, historians and heritage technicians who need to present their conclusions, theories and hypotheses of their projects in reports, meetings, seminars, conferences,…

2. Museography:

Many of today’s cultural institutions and especially many museums have exhibitions based on museographic techniques based on the principles of previous decades. With the help of virtual historical reconstructions, these spaces can renew themselves and offer their public a better service when performing their main function: Preserving the heritage in order to be able to make it known in the most understandable way possible to anyone who is interested.

3. Diffusion:

A picture is worth a thousand words and this is where virtual historical reconstructions have to play their role. It is very difficult for a non-specialist to imagine a Roman domus when only a couple of rows of stones from the walls are preserved. It is against this situation that these digital images must come into play and thus provide any type of person (visitors to a museum, students of a school, high school and university, Internet users,…) the easiest and most effective way to understand and learn about what you are seeing.

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