Documentation and research of archives and museums
Documentation, inventory and cataloging of the Ecomuseum Farinera's documentary collection (Castelló d'Empúries)
Documentation and research of archives and museums
Documentation, inventory and cataloging of the Ecomuseum Farinera's documentary collection (Castelló d'Empúries)
Documentation and research of archives and museums
Documentation, inventory and cataloging of the Ecomuseum Farinera's documentary collection (Castelló d'Empúries)
Documentation and research of archives and museums
Documentation and research tasks in the Ponent Landscapes project
Documentation and research of archives and museums
Documentation and research tasks in the Ponent Landscapes project
Documentation and research of archives and museums
Documentation and research tasks in the Ponent Landscapes project
Documentation and research of archives and museums
Documentation and research tasks in the Ponent Landscapes project

Documentation and research in archives and museums: Collaborate with cultural institutions to manage all types of heritage in the best possible way

Documentation and research in archives and museums

Documentation and research in archives and museums
Documentation, inventory and cataloging of the museum collection of the Terracotta Museum (Bisbal d'Empordà)
Documentation and research in archives and museums
Documentation, inventory and cataloging of the museum collection of the Terracotta Museum (Bisbal d'Empordà)
Documentation and research in archives and museums
Documentation, inventory and cataloging of the museum collection of the Terracotta Museum (Bisbal d'Empordà)

Most of today’s museums and archives have large patrimonial holdings, some of which are still waiting to be sorted, organized, inventoried and 100% digitized.

One of the main functions of a museum or an archive is to have the heritage assets that it treasures in its facilities ordered and classified in order to be able to consult, research and preserve them in the most effective way possible and it is for this reason that it is so important to have up-to-date funds.

Applications of documentation and research in archives and museums:

Working in any museum and archive involves knowing the methodology to follow when dealing with those pieces, documents,… that it keeps. That is why it is very important to know what the task is to perform at all times:

1. Research:

Whether it is to gather more information on a specific topic or to prepare the content of a future exhibition, doing research involves knowing exactly what to look for, knowing what are the tools one has in hand to look for new data and also how to use it in order to identify and filter which of these data are relevant, more or less important and their sources. You need to know how to move around a library, an archive or find those quality databases, websites or online portals in order to extract as much information as possible that interests us, both in quantity and quality.

2. Documentation:

The documentation of any type of museum object is essential in order to have a good control of its entire fund. Each of the pieces that make up the fund of a museum and/or archive must be correctly identified and located at all times. A very important aspect when documenting any piece is to know its origin and how it came to be part of the museum and/or archive (if it was already owned by the museum/archive from the beginning, donation, purchase , assignment,…).

3. Inventory:

Every archaeological object, work of art and/or documentary piece must have its corresponding inventory sheet in which all its relevant data is reported: Name, author, year, chronology, material, origin, technique, original location, current topography, conservation status, related bibliography, inventory number,… Having all this data in a single file for each of the pieces in the background makes it much faster and more efficient to work on any background museological and/or archival

4. Digitization:

Until a few years ago, the databases of museums and archives were physical, but with the new technologies this scenario has changed radically and has given way to digital databases (based on tools such as Excel, Access or MuseumPlus) which allows you to have and use a database of unlimited space and accessible from anywhere, not only from museum / archive facilities.

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